Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Honorable Mention at COAL's Feb. 2012 show

I have a Beatles encounter for you. Once I was walking down 57th street in NYC when I saw in the distance walking towards me John & Yoko. Everyone passing was saying Hi to John and ignoring Yoko. So when they were passing me I said hi to Yoko and ignored John. This seemed to amuse them, so they stopped, turned and posed for me. I had a large motorized Nikon, but I had run out of film. We just starred at each other for an awkward moment. Then John shrugged, looked at Yoko, they then turned and went on their way. Sure wish the had digital cameras then! Me . John and Yoko would have been old friends by now and I would have been with them that fateful night and tackled the gunman.... Ok maybe I'm getting carried away.

Art Prints